Today we have 10 new workouts for you using little or no equipment come from Team ICON's Beth Hoggarth including our personal favourite 'The Lockdown'
20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Burpees
30m shuttle in between
21-15-9 DB Thrusters & Sit ups
Rest 3 minutes
9-15-21 DB Thrusters & Sit ups
1 Burpee Broad Jump
1 Sit-up
2 Burpee Broad Jump
2 Sit-up
1 - 20 Goblet squats
2 - 200m sprint
3 - Rest
50 DUs/ 50 Peles
20 Jumping lunges
10 Object GTOH
400m object carry
14 goblet squats
10 reverse burpees
1 mile run
20 rounds
5 KBs
10 press ups
15 squats
1 mile run
10 burpees
20 Air squats AFAP!
Performed like the ‘12 days of christmas’ 1, 2+1, 3+2+1, 4+3+2+1…
1 Burpee Broad Jump
2 20 Dus
3 Press ups
5 x 10m shuttles
6 Jumping lunges
7 V-Ups
8 Supermen
9 Star jumps
10 KBs
11 Air squats
Hey guys! I’m Beth Hoggarth. Im co-owner at CrossFit Central Lancaster and I have been part of Team Icon since early 2014 - they are the best and have supported me throughout my crossfit career!
I have always been active - I have played football and hockey for the county and represented Great Britain at judo for numerous years, with the highlight being National Champion for several years, representing GB at the Youth Olympics and fighting Rhonda Rousey in Las Vegas in the American Open.
After this I found a new love in CrossFit! As well as competing in numerous national events, some of the best experiences have been wining Pound For Pound, Rainhill Trials a couple of times, mixing it up at the London Thowdown and competing at Regionals twice as an individual and as part of a team with JST. I've met some amazing people along the way and learnt so much about myself!