CrossFit has recently introduced six new Hero Workouts to their extensive lineup, paying tribute to the bravery and sacrifice of individuals who have served in various capacities. These workouts are designed to challenge athletes while honoring the memory of the fallen heroes they represent. Here...
Sometimes, making it to the gym every day for your CrossFit workout might seem an unachievable feat. However, this unwillingness is no excuse to miss your WOD.
While a typical CrossFit workout involves lots of equipment, performing these exercises at home is easier than you think. On top of that,...
If you have tried and loved the original CrossFit Girl benchmark workouts... Fran, Grace, Angie etc then you will be as excited as we are to hear CrossFit have added 7 new official CrossFit Girl benchmark workouts to the ranks.
New CrossFit Girls Workouts, what's the big deal?
Well the original C...